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I learned about 4Life in 2009 from International Diamond Shao Mei Jiang. She told me about a remarkable product that could provide immune system support. Moreover, I learned about the incredible opportunity to help myself and others achieve financial success.
Although I did not have a deep understanding of 4Life Transfer Factor®, I knew it was a good product from my ten years of experience in the health products industry. I began to share 4Life Transfer Factor with my friends and started building my business. It was difficult in the beginning, but I did not give up.
With the full support of the Hong Kong office and my upline, I have achieved the rank of International Diamond. I am thankful to Shao Mei Jiang and all of my business partners who have helped me achieve this rank. I would also like to express my deepest respect and gratitude to the 4Life management team for their tremendous support.
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